Sacraments are more than reminders about God’s covenant; they are moments of participation within God’s covenant.
The Bible is a rather complex collection of writings over two-thousand years old; how do we best read and apply its message into our world today?
Prayer is not only the church’s way of expressing petitions to God; it is also God’s way of petitioning our hearts to receive his grace.
Confession is not just about admitting our sins and faults to God; it is about pursuing a faith that is authentic and genuine before God.
Sometimes we struggle to figure out God’s will for our lives; the Bible gives us a few key principles to help whenever we wrestle with discerning the will of God.
Faith is a gift given by God and received in our hearts; in worship we give an expression of our faith by professing what we believe together.
Worship is a part of what God calls us to do; when we come into worship, we do so in a way which responds to the invitation we have been given to enter the presence of God.
Jesus summarizes all the commandments in the entire Bible with one word; but how does love for God and neighbors show up in our lives as obedience to the commandments of God?
The first commandment beckons us to look at all corners of our lives which become objects of worship in place of the Lord.
The second commandment is about more than idols; it is a reminder that everything in this world has been created by God.