The Bible tells us that the gentle actions of those who follow Jesus shine like stars in a dark world.
God’s covenant faithfulness to his people is the foundation for us to bear the spiritual fruit of faithfulness.
The spiritual fruit of goodness is about more than being good (right behavior); it is about integrity of character.
The spiritual fruit of kindness is not about being a nice person; kindness in the Bible is a combination of two expressions: compassion and mercy.
Often we think of patience as a virtue or character trait; the Bible tells us that patience is also a spiritual fruit which comes with a spiritual benefit.
Peace is more than simply the absence of conflict; it is the active presence of God which results in the flourishing of his creation.
Joy is not just an emotion we feel that depends upon our circumstances; joy is an attitude built within us by the Holy Spirit which reflects the joy of Christ through us to others.
There is no character trait more central to the Christian life than love; it is what we have received inwardly from God, and what we express outwardly to the world.
The new resurrection life we have in Jesus comes with a purpose and a reason; the author of Hebrews concludes the book by telling us what new resurrection life means for us.