When grace takes action, it is recognizable; we see it every time reconciliation brings together what sin has broken apart.
Figuring out how to live as a Christian is a team effort; we grow as disciples of Jesus in community together.
Titus was given a pretty hefty assignment to be a good example among a group of people who seemed far from God.
God builds a rhythm into our lives. Worship helps keep that rhythm running smooth.
Worship is not a detachment from the world around us, but an orientation into the world around us.
What does it look like to see all of our day as worship to God? Every day is full of “liturgies” that count as worship.
Worship is more than something we do one day a week for one hour. We are made by God to worship. We are always worshipping something. So, how do we get our daily worship right?
Jesus is fully human and fully God. We get the fully human part (‘cuz we’re human too), but what about the fully God part, and how do those two natures work together?
Bible Text: Matthew 5:13-20 | Preacher: Dale Slings
A sermon outline borrowed from Jonathan Edwards entitled; “Christian Happiness.”